The 2021 club calendar has been published at www.jetsjuniors.com/club-calendar. It details all the important dates for the upcoming season.
Highlights include -
- The EFNL season kicks off on the 11th April.
- Our first family night will be also be round 1 on the 11th April so save the date.
- Only break in play this year is Queens Birthday long weekend.
- We play through the school holidays in June.
- Season finishes on the 18th July with 3 weeks of finals for competitive teams (U11+) after this.
- We planned this for last season, but we will have a club presentation day at the end of the season instead of the team presentation nights dragging on into late September.
The EFNL fixture is expected to be finalised in early April and teams will know game locations and opponents.
As always, dates are provisional at this stage and may change throughout the year so we will keep you updated.