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Junior Club Statement on Covid-19 Virus

Writer: Jets JuniorsJets Juniors

Dear Parents, Players, Officials and Supporters

Understandably the Club has received many enquiries regarding the impact that the COVID-19 Virus (Coronavirus) is having in relation to the upcoming season and more specifically to things such as training and other club events. The Heathmont Jets JFC would like to issue the following statement regarding the COVID -19 (Coronavirus) and the potential impact on the upcoming season.

The health and safety of all members of our Club – players, parents, family members, coaches and officials - is paramount.

The Club is closely monitoring the situation with respect to COVID-19 and will continue to heed all advice from the EFNL, AFL, AFL Victoria, Vic Sport, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Australian Department of Health. The situation regarding COVID-19 remains very fluid and the advice and updates from these organisations are changing quickly, so please find below some links to key advice:

World Health Organisation:

Australian government:

The current understanding is that COVID‐19 is spread from person‐to‐person when people are in close contact or when an infected person coughs or sneezes, releasing the virus into the air as droplets. These droplets can then enter another person’s mouth or nose or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Infection may also be spread by touching a surface contaminated with COVID‐19 then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

Symptoms of COVID‐19 infection typically begin 2‐14 days after exposure and include fever, fatigue, muscle aches and cough. More severe symptoms include diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, and pneumonia. Older people and those with chronic illness are at increased risk. There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID‐19 infection.

If you have not been in an area where COVID‐19 is spreading or been in close contact with someone who has and is now infected, your chances of getting COVID‐19 are currently low. However, it’s understandable that people may feel anxious about the situation.

Current Advice for Community Clubs:

Based on the current advice from the Government in relation to group gatherings, football matches and training sessions with limited numbers (500 or less) can proceed until further notice – however, the recommendation is that match and training attendance is limited to players, parents and key officials Individual leagues, clubs and players can elect not to participate in any activity at their discretion Strict hygiene protocols should be followed

Heathmont Jets JFC Position Statement:

Based on the above advice, the current position of the Club in relation to team training sessions, matches and Club evets is as follows:

· Training sessions can proceed as arranged although ideally attendance should be limited to players, parents and club officials – this will be reviewed daily

· Practice matches will NOT proceed until further notice

· The following hygiene practices will be implemented at training sessions:

o All participants will wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds prior to participation - if soap and water are not available, an alcohol‐based hand sanitiser should be used

o All participants will be encouraged to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth

o All participants are to cover their mouth to cough or sneeze

· Communal use of water bottles is to be avoided at all times - all players must be in possession of their own drink bottle, and should not share with any other players

· Players and officials are NOT to share drinks, towels, lip balm, sunscreen with others (have own)

· Change room usage, where possible, will be solely for changing and toiletry purposes - players may prefer to arrive at the ground already changed and ready to participate (weather permitting)

Hand sanitisers will be made available in change rooms and players will be encouraged to make use of them Physical contact at training will be limited so players should avoid tackling and shaking hands, etc – Coaches will avoid training drills that involve physical contact as much as possible Group meetings such as parent information sessions and social gatherings (e.g. family nights) will NOT be held until further notice

· Feeling unwell?

o If you or your child are feeling unwell, we ask that you please seek prompt medical advice and isolate from the group/team until health status is determined

o If you are a player, parent, coach or official who has come into contact with the team/group, please advise the club immediately so that measures can be taken to ensure the welfare of other team members.

Future Advice:

Meetings between health authorities and sporting organisations are taking place regularly to monitor any changes in the situation and to consider implementing any further measures.

We will continue to take the advice of the Government, the World Health Organisation and sporting organisations including the EFNL, etc and the Club will make preparations and issue further information and guidelines based on that advice. We will continue to review our position, and will update our Club community accordingly as we better understand COVID-19 and best practices to mitigate risk at Club level.

Joanne Hart-Parker


Heathmont Jets Junior Football Netball Club



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