Dear Jets Families
What a season 2020 has turned out to be!
It’s been hard to comprehend that there will be no community football this year. No doubt you are all as disappointed as I am with this situation, but as I have previously said you and your family’s health and wellbeing must come first. The club fully supports the EFNL and can understand what a hard decision they have had to make.
As I write this, I’m reminded of the timing, in normal circumstances we would be playing our last couple of games, gearing up for finals, after what no doubt would have been another fabulous year for the Jets.
So much planning by the hardworking committee had gone in to this season, including ensuring that we had protocols in place recently, so that we could get the players back on the park, even if it was only for a few weeks. It was great so see the enjoyment it brought to everyone and well worth it albeit for a very short time.
I would like to take the opportunity to again thank all the families, players, coaches, team managers, and volunteers for their ongoing support. Also to my committee, especially the executive, Brett Hansen, Joc O’Connor, Warren Mullenger, Justin O’Dwyer, Wayne Judge and Mark Lanyon for their continued support and efforts to make the most out of an ever changing environment this year. It is gratefully appreciated.
To our new players, who are yet to pull on a Jets jumper, we can’t wait to see you again next season! To our top age players, thank you for your time at the Jets and we wish you well in your footballing future and look forward to seeing you at the Heathmont Jets Seniors in 2021. We also hope that you will take fond memories of your time at Heathmont Juniors with you.
What happens next?
After the EFNL season cancellation announcement, the executive committee once again met and commenced planning what we do from here. This will be an ongoing process but we wanted to let you know as soon as we could what initial steps we are taking.
From a league standpoint, the EFNL issued a recommendation to clubs to rollover this year’s club registration fees to season 2021, less the EFNL insurance component, which has already been paid to the league and will be covering operating costs they have incurred this year. They also recommend deducting an administration fee to help cover the costs that have already been outlaid.
The club proposes to follow this recommendation including –
· We will rollover this year’s club registration fee to season 2021. Any players registered this season will be automatically registered for next season guaranteeing your child a place in their team.
· For any top age players (U17/U18G) your club 2020 registration fees will be refunded, excluding the EFNL charge, and we will be in contact in the coming weeks with more information. The League is considering playing options for top age in 2021, but at this stage we are unable to provide certainty on this.
· The 2020 EFNL insurance component ($18) is not included as the annual policy covers player injury insurance for training that has already occurred. This small charge will be levied again in 2021 by the league.
· The committee will review the club finances over the next few months and recommend the club fee structure for 2021. There may be a minor adjustment on fees next year as a result of this, which could include the admin levy mentioned payable next season.
If there are any families experiencing current financial pressures due to the Covid 19 lockdown please contact me directly for support. Where refunds are made the players will have required to be re-registered in the normal way once registrations open November 1, 2020.
How can I help our club out further?
As you no doubt realise, there have been expenses incurred this season even though we will not play. Some of these include coaching accreditation courses, first aid training, merchandise, footballs, EFNL uniforms, insurance, utility bills and football jumpers.
Also, the Covid 19 situation has severely impacted our revenue stream this year, we would normally rely on raising an extra $20-$30k from the canteen, major fundraising nights, weekly raffles, family nights and hosting the finals. This income not only helps in the running of the club, but enables us to continue the program initiatives that we have put in place in the previous few years. These include the pre-season Jetset program, the involvement with the South Launceston Junior Football Club, the SALT programs that are available to our various age groups and our continued support of the local Auskick programs that are the lifeblood of our club.
We are looking at several ways to help cover any costs incurred so far this year. If there are families out there who are in a position, and would like to donate their fees (or any other amount) to support the club, rather than rollover, please contact me to discuss, and thank you.
Another way you can immediately help out is to buy tickets for the Toyota Good for Footy raffle. We receive 100% of all ticket sales thanks to Toyota and there are some great prizes on offer including 3 cars. Please follow the link to the site toyotagoodforfooty.raffletix.com.au/jetsjuniors and share through your social media, friends, and family to get the word out.
It is a lot to take in, but again I thank you for your continued support of the Heathmont Jets and hope we can get this pandemic under control so we are playing next season.
So in closing, stay safe, stay home, and be vigilant and I look forward to catching up with you all next year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries.
Kind regards
Joanne Hart-Parker
Heathmont Jets Junior FC
0405 277 053