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New Heatherdale Pavilion Officially Opens

Writer: Jets JuniorsJets Juniors

The new $5.1 million Heatherdale Pavilion officially opened on the 17th March 2023. Representitives from the Jets Juniors FC, Heatherdale CC, Whitehorse Council, State and Federal Government, and local community members attended the event.

The event started with a welcome to country ceremony by Whitehorse resident and Wurundjeri Elder, Uncle Colin Hunter.

Whitehorse Mayor, Cr Mark Lane, and CEO, Simon McMillan, then ran the formalities for the night including acknowledging the work put in by local, state, and federal government to fund the development. Michael Sukkar MP, Federal Member for Deakin and Will Fowles MP, State Member for Ringwood both spoke of the importance of the facility for bringing the community together with recognition that the old pavilion was unsuitable for the growing number of females playing sport. Deputy Mayor, Prue Cutts, also addressed the room and the club is forever grateful for her support from day 1 of the project.

Our Jets Juniors president, Jo Hart-Parker wrote the note below thanking everyone involved -

"It was a big night down at Heatherdale last night with the Official Opening of our brand-new fantastic looking pavilion. A project that both the Jets and Heatherdale Cricket Club how been working since 2017, concentrating on improving facilities for females playing football and cricket, which is increasing every year. The result is a fabulous facility for use by the two club tenants, their members and also to the broader community.

It’s been a long journey, which has had a few setbacks, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has helped us to achieve this, through your generous contributions, funding, and support. Without your support this would not have happened.

I would like to make special mention to the following: Michael Sukkar MP - Member for Deakin – for the generous contribution from the former government Cr Prue Cutts - Deputy Mayor, Whitehorse Council – a staunch supporter of the build from the beginning. Andrew Grealy – former HCC President Lloyd Lazaro – current HCC President Kevin Oakey, HCC member and Project Liaison between clubs and councils Anthony Nicholls – from Club Builder 2035, who set us off in the right direction Mal Elliot – HCC member who created the original plans and costing we initially took to the council. Will Fowles MP - for the contribution from the State Government Simon McMillan – CEO Whitehorse Council and his team Mayor, Cr Mark Lane Councillor Ben Stennett - who also supported the project from the beginning Jenny Gorgorinis – Project Manager from Whitehorse Council and her team Christine Neyland – Original Project Manager from the Council Ian Benjamin – Strategic Recreation Manger from WCC and his team

Thank you again to everyone - now bring on the football season as I can’t wait to use this new fabulous pavilion."



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